I am Samoan

I am Samoan, is about a little boy called Sione who gets the opportunity to stand up in class and talk about the country he loves, Samoa!

At Pacific Learners, we love to tell stories about culture and identity. Little Sione talks about how his father handed down to him a Fue, the Fue holds a special place in Sione’s heart.

Having an understanding of culture and identity provides our children a sense of belonging, so at Pacific Learners we have a dedicated Samoan Language Resource page that has images, language and cultural videos.  

5 Samoan videos you might find useful 

  1. Common Samoan Phrases – Simple Samoan phrases you can use everyday 
  2. Common Samoan Words – Simple Samoan words you can use in everyday conversations 
  3. Building identity through culture – Little Talia signs a song she grew up with, and one that is special to her. Ua e manumalo
  4. Helping our children through stress and Anxiety – Little Talia sings a song that helps her through the hard times. Le ‘Aute
  5. Samoan language video – Shapes and Colours – Improving your Samoan language knowledge by learning 10 shapes and 10 colours
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