Pacific Learners Education was initially established to help support our Pacific children and families throughout the COVID-19 period. As our content evolved, and as time went by, we were humbled by the support from parents and teachers who loved our content and wanted to see more. So now with over 100+ videos and over 3.2 million views, we are committed to releasing more animated Pacific content.
We understand the impact and uncertainty that surrounds our young tamariki in regards to their learning and development, however through innovation and storytelling we hope to address the cultural, social, wellness and educational needs of our Pacific Learners, Communities and Families.
We are also excited to partner with the Ministry of Pacific Peoples to develop and promote STEAM learning videos. STEAM subjects include Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. To date, we have released 12 animated videos, and are planning to produce more.
To view our full range of STEAM learning videos, click here.