Pacific Learners Education

About Pacific Learners Education

Pacific Learners Education was initially established to help support our Pacific children and families throughout the COVID-19 period. As our content evolved, and as time went by, we were humbled by the support from parents and teachers who loved our content and wanted to see more. So now with over 100+ videos and over 3.2 million views, we are committed to releasing more animated Pacific content.  

We understand the impact and uncertainty that surrounds our young tamariki in regards to their learning and development, however through innovation and storytelling we hope to address the cultural, social, wellness and educational needs of our Pacific Learners, Communities and Families.

We are also excited to partner with the Ministry of Pacific Peoples to develop and promote STEAM learning videos. STEAM subjects include Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. To date, we have released 12 animated videos, and are planning to produce more. 

To view our full range of STEAM learning videos, click here

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Cook Islands, Tokelau, Niue Language Videos

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Pacific Based Early Childcare Centres

At Pacific Learners, we passionate about seeing our young Pacific children reach their full potential. So, we have started to produce some amazing videos that allows Pacific ECE’s to showcase their centres philosophy, learning spaces, resources and more

Meet our new Characters

At Pacific Learners, we try our best to incorporate new characters into our animation videos. As such we would like to introduce Tieta from Kiribati, Sifa from Niue, and Ina from the Cook Islands. 

Tieta and Sifa has already featured in a video, and we look forward in introducing Ina very soon. 

Pacific Learners New Characters

Attending an Early Childcare Centre is important for your child’s development and growth, however not all ECE’s reflect what is best for your child. 

Pacific Learners Education has an important  message for Pacific Parents and Caregivers.

Click here to view video
Nurture the seed and it will bloom

Pacific Learners Education is supported by the Ministry of Pacific Peoples, Ministry of Education and Kaitiaki Kids Early Childcare

Pacific Learners Education was birthed out of the challenges faced at Kaitiaki Kids Childcare where 90% of the children that attend are of Pacific descent and have English as a second language. 

Through the challenges of COVID-19, the owners of Kaitiaki Kids decided to embark on an initiative to produce a series of animated videos and online content that help address the social, cultural, health and wellbeing issues facing our Pacific Learners and their families. 

What our community is saying

Fantastic resource! Mālō ‘aupito Pacific Learners

Mel Ma'afu Sinoti

100% I love this Absolutely thankyou Pacific Learners for sharing this God Bless

Faiupu Tenari

Praise the Lord for sharing. God Bless

Tekura Turitoa

Thank you for this. I used it yesterday in a zoom catch up with my class. One of my boys yelled out (still not quite yet got the mic muting thing!) “Mum we are watching Pacific Learners for the start of Tongan Language week” and the whole family came and gathered round and joined in. Awesome resource thanks for sharing

Cushla Duggan

This is awesome, love the commentary and the kaupapa

Linda Vaaua-Sua

That’s beautiful, beautiful language & beautiful pronunciation keep posting so we can learn

Ruth Watene

I really appreciate this site – my ignorance feels a little bit less – thank you so much. I’ve got a lot to learn around this but I’m really excited about learning more about this beautiful culture

Roberta Thomson

Awesome job guys. Keep it up. Fa’afetai lava. Manuia.

Tales of the Island
Tales of the Island

This is very helpful. Especially since I’m rotuman but still needs to learn her own language

Sotiana Samuela
Sotiana Samuela

Pacific Learners Education is proudly supported by the following: 

Ministry of Education Logo

Ministry of Education 

MPP Logo

Ministry of Pacific Peoples

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