Fijian Language Week
Fijian Language
Bula and warm pacific greetings. At Pacific Learners, we are very happy to bring you the Fijian Language Resources page. This page brings together all the Fijian content across Pacific Learners website.
This page is a great resource for Fiji Language Week, you will be able to find animated language video content, songs, cultural videos and images.
As we continue in our efforts to revitalise Pacific Languages, we hope you come on the journey with us, so we can collectively celebrate beautiful pacific culture.
Common Fijian Words
We are very happy to bring you our first Fijian Language video titled ‘Common Fijian Words’.
In this video, we give you over 15 commonly used words like ‘Yadra Vinaka’ which means ‘Good morning’ or ‘Kerekere’ which means ‘Please’.
As an added bonus, we also teach you how to count to 10 in Fijian.
Common Fijian Phrases
In our second Fijian language video, we bring you ‘Common Fijian Phrases’.
In this video, you can learn common Fijian phrases that you can use everyday, phrases like ‘How are you’? or ‘What is the time’?
Once you have gained confidence, try incorporating common words and common phrases, you can then move onto sentence structure.
The Lord’s Prayer in Fijian
In this Pacific Learners video, we have translated the Lord’s Prayer from English to Fijian.
Passing on simple cultural phrases, songs, stories and scriptures can have a positive impact on our children’s sense of identity and belonging. So we have translated one of the most well known scriptures in the Bible, the ‘Lords Prayer’ from English to Fijian
Fijian Words for Family Members
In this video we bring you Common Fijian Words for Family Members.
You can learn Fijian words like ‘Tinaqu’ which means ‘Mother’ or ‘Makubuqu’ which means ‘Grandchild’, and many more like this.
Click the learn more link to see the full list of words.