Common Fijian Phrases

In our efforts to revitalise Pacific Language, we are very happy to bring you ‘Common Fijian Phrases’.

In this video, you can learn common Fijian phrases that you can use everyday, phrases like ‘How are you’? or ‘What is the time’?

By blending common Fijian words and common Fijian phrases, we can then begin to take a more advanced approach and learn about sentence structure. Lets all grow in confidence as we continue to learn the Fijian language journey together.

For more Fijian videos and images, you can visit our Fijian Language Resources Page.

If you are interested in learning Fijian words ?, click the link here: Common Fijian Words

Here are 5 Common Fijian Phrases

How are you?

Bulabuka vinaka tiko?

Where are you from?

Iko kai ve?

That is good!

Qori e vanaka

Pleased to meet you!

Au marau niu sotavi iko!

No Problem

Sega na leqa

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