Common Samoan Words

Ever wondered how to say ‘hello’ in Samoan? What about ‘please’? In this video, the children’s kaiako teaches the class some Common Samoan words and numbers.

Talofa! Pacific Learners is happy to bring you a new instalment of our series of animated video episodes, introducing you to the Samoan language.

In this video, kaiako Mrs Ioane teaches the class basic Samoan words, like ‘alu’ (go), and numbers, from ‘tasi’ to ‘sefulu’.

As part of our goal to revitalise Pacific languages, we have produced this video as a helpful resource introducing you to basic Samoan vocabulary. Try to incorporate these common Samoan words into your everyday life, allowing the language to flourish. For example, instead of saying ‘please’ , give ‘fa’amolemole’ a try.

Use this video as the foundation upon which you, your students, or your children can better engage and understand the language of Samoa – Aotearoa New Zealand’s third-most-spoken language.

5 Common Samoan Words you will learn in this video 

1. Hello in Samoan 


2. Please in Samoan 


3. Have a nice day in Samoan 

Lanuia le aso

4. Yes in Samoan 


5. No in Samoan 


Keep the learning going by watching our series of educational and cultural videos:

Common Samoan Words

  • Ioe: Yes
  • Leai: No
  • Fa’amolemole: Please
  • Manuia le po: Goodnight
  • Manuia le taeao: Good morning
  • Talofa: Hello
  • ‘Ai: Eat
  • Moe: Sleep
  • Sau: Come
  • Alu: Go
  • Ma’ea: Finish
  • Inu: Drink
  • Fia ai: Hungry

Samoan Numbers

  1. Tasi: One
  2. Lua: Two
  3. Tolu: Three
  4. Fā: Four
  5. Lima: Five
  6. Ono: Six
  7. Fitu: Seven
  8. Valu: Eight
  9. Iva: Nine
  10. Sefulu: Ten
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