Tongan words for items around the house

Improve your Tongan Language by learning Tongan words for items found around the house. 

Mālō e lelei, in this video you will learn words like ‘helu’ which means ‘comb’ or ‘Peleti’ which means ‘plate’ and many more, these words can be used in everyday conversations. 

At Pacific Learners, our passion is it to revitalise Pacific Language, we do this through producing animated videos and images. We have also put together a dedicated Tongan Language Resource Page, this is where you can find all our Tongan content in one place. 

Videos like this are a great resource for Tongan language weeks, teachers, families and individuals. 

3 Tongan Language videos you might find useful

  1. Common Tongan Words – In this video you will learn basic Tongan words
  2. Common Tongan Phrases – In this video you will learn common Tongan Phrases you will learn everyday such as ‘What is your name?’ or ‘Have a nice day’
  3. Tongan words or shapes and colours – In this video you will learn 10 Tongan words for shapes and 10 Tongan words for colours
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