The Lord’s Prayer in Samoan
At Pacific Learners Education, we are passionate about providing pacific content that supports our children’s cultural and spiritual journey.
We all have a responsibility to pass on simple cultural phrases, songs, stories and scriptures to our children. By doing so, they can have a positive impact on our children’s sense of identity and belonging.
Article 1 of the Constitution of Samoa states that “Samoa is a Christian nation founded of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”.
So we have translated one of the most well known scriptures in the Bible, the ‘Lords Prayer’ from English to Samoan.
For more Samoan videos like this, you can visit our Samoan Language Resource page, where we have more language, cultural and educational videos.
The Lord’s Prayer in Samoan
Our Father in heaven,
Lo matou Tamä e, oi le lagi,
hallowed be thy name.
ia paia lou suafa
Thy kingdom come.
Ia o’o mai lou malo
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Ia faia lou finagalo, i le lalolagi e pei ona faia i le lagi
Give us this day our daily bread
Ia e foa’i mai ia te’i matou i le aso nei a matou mea’ai e tatau ma le aso
and forgive us our trespasses,
Ia e fa’amagalo ia te’i matou ia matou agasala,
as we forgive
e pei o i matou foi ona matou fa’amagaloina atu
those who trespass against us.
i e ua agaleaga mai ia te i matou.
and lead us not into temptation,
aua fo’i e te ta’ita’iina i matou i le fa’aosoosoga,
but deliver us from evil.
a ia e lavea’i ia i matou ai le leaga.
For thine is the Kingdom,
Auä e ou le malo,
the power, and the glory
ma le mana, atoa ma le viiga,
forever and ever, Amen.
e faavavau, faavavau lava, Amene.