Introduction to STEAM Learning 

STEAM learning is beginning to play a significant role in our children’s development. By combining science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics, our children start to develop different ways of thinking which ultimately equip our children for future employment as well as our next generation of inventors and business owners. 

STEAM learning allows for flexibility in the development of their methods of reasoning, problem solving, and creativity.

At Pacific Learners, our aim is to address the social, cultural and educational needs of our Pacific children, we do this through providing entertaining and informative videos which children can watch and learn from. To encourage our children to engage and participate in STEAM learning, we will be releasing 12 STEAM-related videos over the next 12 months. 

To keep up to date with STEAM related videos, you can now access our STEAM Resources page, this is where all our STEAM content is kept. 

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